Contact Us

Corporate Office

B P Oil Mills Limited
12/17B Nagla Balchand
Nunhai Road, Agra (U. P.) 282006 India
Tel: (+91) 562 2280072/2280124
Tel: (+91) 724 8888-444/7248888-555

Become a distributor

Grow your business with us. We have a very selective process for getting a distributorship of our products. Big factors for that include the investment that you might be willing to offer, brands and the location that you are proposing.

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Vendor/Retail Request

Be a part of our vast supply chain network by becoming a vendor/retailer. Most common vendors include packing items such as cartons, tins, pouches, etc. But we have a constant need for specialized goods and services.

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Join the BPOM team with one of our exciting career opportunities.

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